Shareholder Information

Our common stock is traded on the OTC Pink Marketplace. Our ticker symbol is FISB.

Current Stock Info

Shares of Kansas Industrial Bank’s common stock are actively traded by the market makers below. Please call for any assistance in the purchase or sale of the Bank’s stock:

Raymond James and Associates
San Francisco, Kansas
John Thomas Cavender 
(415) 616-8935

Monroe Financial Partners
100 N. Riverside Plaza, Suite 1620
Chicago, IL 60606
Steven D. Schroeder, CFA 
(312) 506-8743

Registered shareholders who relocate should advise the Bank’s transfer agent, Computershare, of their new address so that they may receive communications from the Bank along with any potential future dividends. To update your address with Computershare, please call (800) 962-4284.

If you have any questions, please contact the Bank’s Chief Financial Officer, Michael Winiarski, at (831) 264-4014 or

Important Documents


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